Is this sponsored by City of Heroes or Paragon Studios?
No. We are simply players and lovers of the game who want to do some good.
How does this work?
Easy! Just select the charity you wish to donate to and click on the orange “ChipIn!” button. This will pop up a window for the charity’s PayPal account. You pay the charity directly and the amount is reported back to us through ChipIn so we can keep a running total of donations. We never touch the money.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Absolutely! After you complete a donation, you will receive a receipt from PayPal which will include the name of the charity, your donation amount, and the date of your donation. The only other piece you need will be the Tax ID for that charity to use when filing your taxes.This may also be included on your receipt from PayPal, but in case it isn’t:
- Child’s Play Tax ID: 20-3584556
- Donate Games Tax ID: 26-3438815
- Operation Gratitude Tax ID: 20-0103575
- Heifer International Tax ID: 35-1019477
Does charge any sort of administrative fees to participate?
No. We don’t think that would be right or very heroic and we’ve made certain that we never ever EVER come in contact with the funds donated at all. (PayPal may take a small percentage of your donation as a fee to the charity, depending upon their individual contracts with the charities.)
Are you going to sell or give away my email address?
Heck no! We hate spam even more than you do. At most, you’ll get a little note of thanks from us and if things go really well, possibly a reminder to participate next year, but that’s it. Your email address will be given to the charity you donate to in the PayPal process and that relationship is governed by their own privacy policy. If you have any major concerns, please review the individual policies of the charities we are working with first.
How do I help?
Donate! Post a banner or link on your supergroup website, portal site, forum sig, blog, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace…anywhere you can think of.
Please let others know! You can get a banner HERE.
Please refrain from spamming. That’s not nice.
I’d like to add this to our SuperGroup’s or Channel’s Message of the Day…
It’s easy to do! To change your Channel MOTD use something like:
/chan_motd "Channel Name" Make a heroic donation
To change your SG or VG MOTD use something like:
/sgsetmotd Make a heroic donation at
Do I have to be a gamer or play City of Heroes to donate?
Nope! Anyone can donate and become a Real World Hero!
Why didn’t you pick ________ Charity?
In a perfect world, we could pick every charity. Since we
can’t, we tried to focus on charities that have a game
related premise or can help in a global and sustainable
way. Personally, we support various other charities
and encourage you to continue supporting causes
near and dear to your heart.
I don’t have much to donate…
Even a little bit counts! If the many
players of City Of Heroes worldwide
give even just a single dollar
each, imagine what good
we could do!
I’ve got a different question.
We tried to think of the obvious questions, but there
could certainly be more. Drop us a quick note at
[email protected]
and we’ll do our very best to get an answer back to you.